Kevin Lemley Law Partners

  4.9 – 50 reviews   • Criminal justice attorney

Kevin Lemley Law Partners 72143

We love to help good people in tight spots. We are the best, not the cheapest. Here is what sets us apart from other firms: (1) A fixed price instead of hourly fees. (2) Special text, email, and phone number that only our clients have. (3) Professional case managers with decades of experience. (4) Online access to your file with bank level security. (5) Weekly update so you know exactly what is going on with your case. Call us today to set a free consultation! We are confident we can earn your business.

Service Options: Online appointments· Onsite services



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Address and Contact Information

Address: 1602 E Booth Rd Suite 5, Searcy, AR 72143

Phone: (501) 299-2119



Family Law Attorney
Adoption legal services
If you’re considering adoption, one of the first steps is to find an adoption lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process. Adoption lawyers have experience with all aspects of adoption, from working with birth parents to finalizing the adoption in court.
Child support litigation
Child support litigation can be a complex and costly process, but it is often the only way to ensure that children receive the financial support they need.
Divorce litigation
If you are considering a divorce, you may be dreading the thought of going to court. However, divorce litigation does not have to be a lengthy or expensive process. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can navigate the legal system quickly and efficiently.
Guardianship litigation
Guardianship litigation can be a complex and emotional process. If you are considering or are currently involved in guardianship litigation, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side.
Restraining order litigation
Thinking about getting a restraining order? Alternatively, have you received one? To schedule a meeting with our legal team, please call us. When it comes to restraining orders, child custody, visitation rights, divorce, & other family law matters — Kevin Lemley Law Partners can help.
Adoption is one of our favorite things to do for clients. The adoption process in Arkansas takes a few months and has several technical steps that have to be completed.
Child Support
Arkansas child support is required in most custody cases. The amount of child support is determined by a chart based upon both parents’ incomes. The new Arkansas law also requires a detailed financial disclosure by both parents. We guide clients through the child support process.
Arkansas has the highest divorce rate in the country. We work hard to protect our clients’ rights during the divorce process. It is important to get it right the first time because the final divorce order is difficult to change later.
Guardianship is a temporary arrangement where a person has control over another person, usually a family member. We help clients through the guardianship process, and we are especially sensitive to the fact that this is a difficult time for the family.
Criminal Justice Attorney
Criminal record expungements
If you have a criminal record, even if you have only been arrested and not convicted, it can have a serious negative impact on your future. It can have an impact on your job, housing, loan applications, and much more. Need help with sealing and expungement? Call now!
DUIs & reckless driving defense litigation
With the help of a qualified attorney, you may be able to get the charges reduced or even dismissed. So if you have been charged with DUI or reckless driving, do not hesitate to seek out the help of a criminal defense attorney.
Domestic violence litigation
Domestic violence charges can be a very serious issue, and those who are accused of it may find themselves facing significant penalties. If you have been accused of domestic violence, it is important to seek experienced legal help as soon as possible.
Drug possession defense litigation
If you have been charged with drug possession, it is important to understand the various defenses that may be available to you. An experienced criminal defense attorney will be familiar with the laws in your state and can help you to develop a strong defense strategy.
Federal criminal defense litigation
Kevin Lemley Law Partners represents clients facing serious federal criminal charges. Our aggressive lawyers handle all of our cases collaboratively. Do you believe you are under federal investigation? Contact our team right away.
Felony defense litigation
If you have been charged with a felony, you will need experienced criminal defense attorneys to help you through the litigation process.
General criminal defense litigation
Charged with a crime in Arizona? A conviction can have serious consequences for your career, reputation, & daily life. You could face hefty fines, loss of privileges, & even incarceration. We can provide you with a strong defense to help reduce or eliminate penalties associated with your conviction.
Petty crimes & misdemeanor defense litigation
These are less serious offenses than felonies, but they can still result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record. A criminal defense attorney will work to get the charges against you dismissed or reduced.
Armed Robbery
Armed robbery involves taking something (or attempting to) from another person with the use of a weapon. These are serious charges. If you’re facing charges for armed robbery, you need a lawyer ASAP. Contact our team right away for an honest assessment of your case and begin strategizing.
Assault & Battery
Assault and battery involves committing or attempting to commit a violent act against another person. These charges can result as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! Book a free consultation now.
Assault Charges
Assault charges can tarnish a clean record and have many impacts on your life that may be hard to consider right now. If you or a loved one is facing assault charges, reach out to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible – Free consults available.
Assault Defense
Are you facing assault charges? Assault charges can tarnish a clean record and have negative impacts on your life for years to come. You need a lawyer that is experienced in handling assault cases and will help you build the most vigorous defense possible – call now.
Attorney Estate Planning
Auto Theft
Have you been arrested for auto theft? Auto theft is a major crime in the US that costs vehicle owners billions each year. It’s a growing issue that pushes officials to prosecute heavily… often resulting in felony charges. Reach out to an experienced auto theft lawyer to discuss your case.
Bankruptcy Laws
Battery Defense
Are you facing battery charges? Battery charges can tarnish a clean record and have negative impacts on your life for years to come. You need a lawyer that is experienced in handling battery cases and will help you build the most vigorous defense possible – call now.
Bodily Injury
Wrongfully accused? Made a mistake? Don’t spend your life paying for it. If you’ve been arrested for inflicting bodily injury on another person, you have to act FAST — Get a 100% free consultation.
Burglary is committing (or attempting to) take an item of value from a place where you are not authorized. Some states that ALWAYS charge burglaries as felonies. The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! Book a free consultation now.
Burglary Charge
Burglary charges can tarnish a clean record and have HUGE impacts on your life that may be hard to consider right now. If you or a loved one is facing burglary charges, reach out to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible – Free consults available.
Criminal Charges
Being arrested and charged with a crime has far-reaching consequences. A criminal conviction can result in financial penalties, jail time, and a stigmatizing mark on your record. That’s why having a lawyer on your side is crucial at this time — they will aggressively defend your rights.
Criminal Defense
You’re scared. You’re worried. We get it. Criminal charges are no laughing matter. No one wants to go to jail. Let us help you get the best outcome. If you have been charged with a crime, you need to take action — Get an HONEST assessment of your case here.
Criminal Defense Attorney
Criminal Law Case
Criminal Lawyer
DUI Arrest
Have you been arrested for DUI? Speak to one of our DUI lawyers now. An attorney can help you with your legal matter and potentially help you avoid criminal charges and jail time — 100% Free Assessment of Your Case.
DUI Charges
Facing a DUI charge? DUI charges can have lasting impacts affecting your life and livelihood for years to come. You should contact a DUI lawyer immediately if you have been arrested or charged with a DUI.
DUI Convictions
A DUI Conviction can be a life-changing event. Your future is at stake. A conviction can have a huge impact on your job, relationships, and countless areas in life — You need to act FAST!
DUI Defense
Work with a DUI lawyer that is proven and prepared to build a strong defense. If you aren’t sure what steps to take, contact us for a FREE assessment. You may be able to keep your license. Call now to get help.
DUI Offenses
DUI offenses are always treated seriously in court. Even for a first-time offense, you can lose your license, get fined, or end up in jail. Our experienced DUI lawyers have defended numerous clients in drunk driving cases — Reach out today for a consult.
DWAI Charges
Facing a DWAI charge? DUI charges can have lasting impacts affecting your life and livelihood for years to come. You should contact a DWAI lawyer immediately if you have been arrested or charged with a DWAI.
DWI Attorney
You should choose a skilled defense lawyer immediately following a DWI arrest. We at Kevin Lemley Law Partners are familiar with the intricacies of the law and can craft a solid defense on your side. Make an appointment for a discussion by calling us today — We are ready to fight for you.
Destruction of Property
Destruction of property can involve defacing or destroying landmarks, structures, or other types of property and is considered a criminal offense. Depending on the severity, this can result in either a felony or misdemeanor charge — Reach out for an honest assessment of your case.
Domestic Violence Allegations
Have you been accused of domestic violence? Domestic violence laws make it a crime to harm or threaten spouses, ex-spouses, and intimate partners. If you or a loved one has been accused of domestic violence, reach out to an experienced lawyer to speak confidentially about your case.
Domestic Violence Charges
Are you dealing with domestic violence charges? Domestic violence laws make it a crime to harm or threaten to harm spouses, ex-spouses, and intimate partners. If you or a loved one is facing domestic violence charges, reach out to an experienced lawyer to speak confidentially about your case.
Driver’s License Reinstatement
Get your driver’s license reinstated ASAP. Our experienced team knows the “ins and outs” of traffic court and will help get you on the right track for reinstatement — Book your free consult.
Driving Offenses
What kind of impact would higher insurance rates have on you? How about a license suspension? Driving offenses, big or small, can have lasting repercussions that can cause a lot of problems in the future — Know all of your options. Get an honest assessment of your case.
Drug Cases
Have you been arrested for a crime that involves drugs? Trust our lawyers as we assist you in navigating the criminal justice system and defend your rights. Don’t try to handle your case on your own — Contact the Kevin Lemley Law Partners for qualified assistance.
Drug Charges
Drug charges are serious, especially if this isn’t your first offense, the penalties you face can be substantial. Our drug charges attorney will examine your case, investigate the facts, and build a STRONG defense — Contact us now.
Drug Crime Attorney
At Kevin Lemley Law Partners, we have experience defending clients accused of drug offenses ranging from simple possession to major trafficking. We have a history of winning cases in court & we’ll work hard to secure the best possible result. Facing drug charges? Get our legal team on your side!
Drug Defense
Drug Lawyer
Drug Possession
Are you facing drug possession charges? We realize many are struggling with addiction or just using recreationally. Our experienced lawyers are here to stand up for you in court and help you move forward in confidence — Contact our team right away!
Drug Smuggling
Drug trade, drug trafficking, and drug smuggling relate to the cultivation, production, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs. These are highly complex cases with a lot on the line. Contact an experienced drug crimes lawyer right away for assistance.
Drug Trafficking
Drug trade, drug trafficking, and drug smuggling relate to the cultivation, production, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs. These are highly complex cases with a lot on the line. Contact an experienced drug crimes lawyer right away for assistance.
Drunk Driving
Arrested for drunk driving? You have to act FAST for the best chances of getting out of this mess (and keeping your license.) — Speak to one of our drunk driving lawyers now.
Drunk Driving Arrests
Arrested for drunk driving? You have to act FAST for the best chances of getting out of this mess (and keeping your license.) — Speak to one of our drunk driving lawyers now.
Dwi Attorney
Estate Plan Will
Family Law Attorney
Family Law Matters
Family Lawyer
Anyone facing felony charges is strongly encouraged to seek counsel from an experienced attorney. These severe charges are accompanied by long prison sentences, expensive fines, and countless other repercussions. Take control of your future — Get a free consult now.
Felony Battery
The consequences of a felony battery are life-changing. You need an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can build a STRONG defense. We can work to have your charges reduced (or dropped completely) and help get your life back on track as soon as possible — Schedule a 100% free consult today.
Felony Charges
Felony DUI
Concerned about a felony DUI? We can help get you through this. We know the local laws, the judges, and the prosecutors, and we are fully equipped to get you the most favorable outcome possible — Request a FREE case assessment today!
Felony Defense
A criminal charge — no matter what it is — is serious. You want an experienced criminal law attorney who can offer the legal support you need. We are happy to provide a FREE initial legal consultation. Contact us today.
Firearm Offenses
Firearm offenses can range from carrying a loaded gun in public to illegal use of it. These offenses become much more complex with the addition of other violent crimes. (i.e Robbery gets upgraded to armed robbery) It’s important to have a knowledgeable attorney on your side to fight for your freedom
Facing Charges for Forgery? We Understand GOOD People Make Mistakes. We’re here to help you fix them — Our legal team will give your case the Undivided Attention it Deserves.
Grand Theft
Grand theft charges are considered when property is stolen that is over a specified value. There are varying degrees of penalties that can be imposed on offenders, but this is not something you want on your record. Contact us to review strategies to get your charges reduced (or dropped completely).
Gun Offenses
Gun offenses can range from carrying a loaded gun in public to illegal use of it. These offenses become much more complex with the addition of other violent crimes. (i.e Robbery gets upgraded to armed robbery) It’s important to have a knowledgeable attorney on your side to fight for your freedom.
Hit and Run
Have you been arrested or accused of hit and run? We Understand GOOD People Make Mistakes. We’re here to help you fix them — Our legal team will give your case the Undivided Attention it Deserves.
Identity Theft
Identity theft charges can be complicated by the presence of other criminal activities, like stealing, forgery, and white-collar crimes. If you face charges for identity theft, you should seek legal representation immediately — Contact us today.
Indecent Exposure
Indecent acts or indecent exposure charges can be pursued after an individual was found displaying nudity in public areas. Regardless of the severity, this is not something you want on your record. Consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to begin planning your defense.
Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud involves receiving money from an insurance company on fraudulent terms. If you are being investigated, accused, or charged with insurance fraud, there’s a lot on the line — After a 100% free consultation, we can start working on a solid defense.
Internet Crimes
The defense of individuals charged with internet crimes can often be complex and technical in nature. A conviction can mean lengthy jail sentences and/or steep fines. Contact an experienced lawyer to guide you through the legal process.
Jury Trials
Has your case proceeded to a jury trial? Have questions about the jury trial process? Call our experienced criminal defense lawyers today — Get started with a 100% free consultation to discuss your case.
Juvenile Crimes
A juvenile is considered a minor. Juvenile crimes are likely to be first-time offenses in children… but that’s no way to start adulthood. Criminal records hold you back, that’s a fact! Contact a juvenile crimes lawyer for help minimizing the potential repercussions – ASAP.
Juvenile Criminal
A juvenile is considered a minor. Juvenile criminals are likely to be first-time offenders… but that’s no way to start adulthood. Criminal records hold you back, that’s a fact! Contact a juvenile crime lawyer for help minimizing the potential repercussions – 100% FREE Consultation.
Juvenile Offenses
Juvenile offenses are likely to be first-time offenses amongst children and teens… but that’s no way to start adulthood. Criminal records hold you back, that’s a fact! Contact a juvenile criminal lawyer for help minimizing the potential repercussions – Call today!
Law Consultation
Being charged with a crime is a frightening experience. Don’t go through it alone—you NEED a skilled criminal defense lawyer. Call today to get a legal professional on your side!
Legal Assistance
If you have been charged with a crime, seeking legal counsel can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights. Our team of experienced attorneys are ready to fight for you! Contact us today for a case assessment.
Legal Consultation
Do you have any pending charges? Have you been found guilty of a crime and sentenced to jail time? Talk to our criminal defense attorneys right now! Don’t risk your freedom by waiting — We are prepared to act as your legal counsel and defend your interests in court.
Legal Representation
License Suspension
An experienced suspended license attorney understands that your driving privileges can be your livelihood. If your license is suspended, it’s our job to have it restored — As quickly as possible. Book a FREE consultation now.
Do you need a lawyer for a misdemeanor charge? Yes! Here’s why (1) Fines and Jail Time (2) Criminal Record (3) No Guilty Plea (4) Not Relying on a Public Defender — Don’t leave your future to chance. Contact our experienced misdemeanor lawyer today.
Misdemeanor Defense
If you have been accused or arrested for a misdemeanor crime, seek legal counsel immediately. We can help reduce or completely eliminate any negative outcomes and guide you through the legal process. We’ll give your case the time and attention it deserves to get the most favorable results.
Money Laundering
Money laundering refers to an individual conducting transactions through financial institutions with money that was acquired or appropriated through criminal activity. Have you been accused of money laundering? Reach out to our firm immediately for representation.
Motor Vehicle Offenses
Motor vehicle offenses can result in a range of charges… Many of which end in suspended licenses, fines, and even jail time. You need a lawyer who will give you the time and attention you deserve — Get back on track as soon as possible.
Narcotics Possession
Are you facing narcotics possession charges? We realize many are struggling with addiction of just using recreationally. Our experienced lawyers are here to stand up for you in court and help you move forward in confidence — Contact our team right away
Petty Theft
Petty theft involves stealing a relatively small valued item or amount of money. (usually under $50) Although these are typically charged as misdemeanors, ANY charge on your record can have serious repercussions on your future — Get in touch with a lawyer asap.
Plea Negotiations
Is a plea deal in your best interest? You should always have an experienced criminal defense lawyer review your case and negotiate for the best possible outcome on your behalf. Have questions about plea negotiations? Reach out to us today.
Probation Violations
The terms of probations can sometimes be quite strict. If you’ve been accused of violating your probation, you’ll be summoned to a hearing to determine how to handle your case (and possibly send you back to jail) Hiring a lawyer to represent your case will help you achieve the best possible outcome
Real Estate Contracts
Real Estate Issues
Real Estate Law
Real Estate Transactions
Repayment Plan
Restraining Orders
Had a restraining order filed against you? These can be tricky to deal with… especially when there are children involved. Stand up for your rights and make sure your story is effectively heard – Contact a lawyer today to represent you throughout the legal process.
Robbery is committing (or attempting to) take an item of value from another person or entity. These charges can result as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! Book a free consultation now.
Robbery Charges
Robbery charges can tarnish a clean record and have HUGE impacts on your life that may be hard to consider right now. If you or a loved one is facing robbery charges, reach out to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible – Free consults available.
Sell Real Estate
Stealing Charges
Charges involving any sort of stealing can tarnish a clean record and have HUGE impacts on your life that may be hard to consider right now. If you or a loved one is facing stealing charges, reach out to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible – Free consults available.
Stealing Crimes
Stealing is a broad term in the legal world. It encompasses theft, burglary, robbery, shoplifting, and many other crimes. These charges can result as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! — Free Consult!
Theft Charges
Theft Crimes
Theft or larceny can result as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. These charges can have a massive impact on your livelihood — The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! Book a free consultation now.
Title Searches
Traffic Laws
Work with a team that knows the ins and outs of local traffic laws. Don’t talk to the police. Don’t pay your ticket. Call an experienced traffic lawyer to strategize how to best moving forward — Reach out today for an honest assessment of your case.
Traffic Offenses
Work with a team that is highly experienced in handling traffic offenses. Don’t talk to the police. Don’t pay your ticket. Call us to help get you out of this mess. Schedule a 100% free consultation today.
Traffic Violations
Here’s tip #1 — Paying your ticket is the same as pleading guilty… don’t! If you’re facing any sort of traffic violations, get in touch with our knowledgeable team to begin strategizing for your future – Get a free consultation.
Vandalism is a broad term that can range from graffiti work to the destruction of public property. These charges can result as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. The judge is going to take your case seriously… you should too! Book a free consultation now.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes cover a range of offenses that involve the use of force or the threat of force on another person. Have you been accused or arrested for a violent crime? You need a lawyer with years of experience in handling criminal defense cases — Reach out today for a consult.
Violent Criminal
Are you facing violent criminal charges? We understand that people make mistakes, we’re here to help fix them. Trust our team to build an effective strategy on your behalf and fight for the most favorable outcomes possible — 100% Free & Confidential Conversation.
Weapons Charges
Weapons charges can include the unlawful possession, use, selling, or trafficking of an illegal weapon. If convicted, these charges can have serious repercussions for the rest of your life. Reach out to an experienced attorney immediately to start working on a plan to keep you out of jail.
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Whatever your legal issue or concern, from criminal law to real estate law, Kevin Lemley Law Partners is prepared to work for you.

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Managing Attorney. I have been practicing law since 2003, with several years of experience in big law firms in Houston and Little Rock. After branching out to …

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We would be happy to visit with you to see if we are the right firm for you. … Cabot Location: 206 Plaza Blvd Suite E, Cabot, AR 72023.


Kathryn Mashburn
Kevin was very thorough. I initially called him for legal advice and he was on top of his game. He returned my call within minutes, provided me with great legal expertise, and returned my emails in a timely manor. He’s one of the best attorneys I have had the pleasure to speak with. He’s now my go to attorney for any and all legal needs.
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Michael Maulden
I hired Kevin’s firm to counsel me through some complicated estate issues after the death of my brother-in-law. I was completely satisfied with the quick response and thoroughness of Kevin and his team. I would highly recommend Kevin and his team.
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Rebecca Brown
Kevin is amazing!! He’s excellent in his work, and kept us informed every step of the way. He’s very friendly, personable and down-to-earth. When our endeavor met opposition, he was on our side and by our side.
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Todd Dorris
Kevin Lemley is the MAN!! I contacted Kevin with a short notice and he took the ball and ran with it and he is the best around!! If you need anything Kevin is your guy. Outstanding attorney. Would highly recommend.
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Michelle Simmons
Kevin and Kelli are the absolute best in mine and my family’s opinion! Not a team to be underestimated! If you need caring, understanding, smart, but tough lawyers then they are your law team!
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Melinda Crossland
This is a highly professional firm and efficient with keeping in touch and helping with legal issues! Mr. Lemley is always very accommodating with working on my husbands cases!
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Desmond Hamm
I felt comfortable through the process and well taken of from start to finish. Kevin Lemley Law Partners took great care of my family. Very fair priced and don’t kill you with hourly rates. Highly recommend this top notch firm.
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Scotty Anderson
Positive: ProfessionalismKevin and his staff were wonderful! I was very uncertain how my legal issue would turn out. Kevin explained the steps and likely outcome. That calmed me a bit, but seemed too good to be true. Then the final decision was exactly as he explained.It’s good having an expert during these times and he was by my side the whole time. Highly recommend! Thank you Kevin!Kevin and his staff were wonderful! I was very uncertain how my legal issue would turn out. Kevin explained the steps and likely outcome. That calmed me a bit, but seemed too good to be true. Then the final decision was exactly as he …More
Kevin and his staff were wonderful! I was very uncertain how my legal issue would turn out. Kevin explained the steps and likely outcome. That calmed me a bit, but seemed too good to be true. Then the final decision was exactly as he explained.
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Jessie Kiani
Kevin has handled several real estate matters for us and has done a fantastic job! Our cases were handled with professionalism and we were charged a fair rate. Kevin Lemley Law Partners will always be our top choice for our real estate law needs.
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Zoe Rodgers
5 Stars because knowledge is power and when it comes to this firm THEY HAVE THE POWER! Had a great experience. Answers to all my questions, very helpful. Will use these guys again in the future!
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