Oracle Law Firm

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Oracle Law Firm 92626

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Our mission is to be our clients’ Oracle; attorneys who are trusted advisors. Our workers’ compensation attorneys pride themselves on helping clients navigate through complex legal problems. All of our professionals can clearly and ethically provide you the best representation possible in Orange County, CA. Our professionals continuously receive the highest honors and praises among their peers. We possess decades of shared experience with an exclusive focus from our personal injury lawyers and workers’ compensation lawyers, so you know that we are committed to your case. Our award-winning attorneys have proven track records and offer around-the-clock free consultations for new clients.



Address and Contact Information

Address: 245 Fischer Ave Suite B6, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Phone: (888) 547-1778



Personal Injury Attorney
Auto accident litigation
Bicycle accident litigation
Catastrophic injury litigation
DUI injury litigation
Dog bite injury litigation
Motorcycle accident litigation
Motorist insurance claims litigation
Pedestrian accident litigation
Product liability litigation
Property damage litigation
Slip & fall injury litigation
Truck accident litigation
Workers’ compensation litigation
Wrongful death litigation
Animal Bite Attorney
Animal Bites
Dog bites are among the most common of animal bites. Unfortunately, dog bite attacks have been on the rise in recent years. People receive emergency-room treatment for severe or even life-threatening dog bites nearly 866 times per day. Many of those dog bite victims are small children or elderly people, some of whom may not recover. Even when dog bites are thankfully not fatal, the costs of treatment can be staggering. According to recent data, hospital costs for a dog bite. average over $18,000. This cost can increase when victims of a dog attack require reconstructive plastic surgery, physical therapy, therapy for mental trauma, or ongoing medical treatments. If you or someone you love has been attacked by an animal, it’s obvious that you need to seek medical care immediately to prevent further damage. A crucial step in this process, however, is documentation.
Auto Accidents
Auto accidents can happen at any time.In fact, every ten seconds, someone is injured in an automobile accident. And while more and more drivers take the road, the incidents of accidents will likely rise.Regardless of how skilled you are as a driver, chances are, you will be in an accident some time in your life. Auto Collision Injuries: According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over three million people across the U.S. are injured each year in auto accidents. Unfortunately, people can receive serious injuries as a result of a car accidents. Some injuries can leave individuals impaired for a lifetime.
Auto Injuries
Automobile Injuries
Automobile Injuries Injuries
Back Injury
Bicycle Accidents
Bone Fractures
Brain Injuries
Brain Injury
Brain injuries dramatically impact an individual’s personal and professional life.Despite only weighing about 3 pounds, the human brain is remarkably powerful and resilient. Yet it’s still susceptible to injuries, some of which can seriously impact quality of life.There are two main ways a brain can become injured. With acquired brain injuries (ABIs), medical issues such as a stroke are the cause of any damage to tissues and nerves in the brain.Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which occur following some type of jolt or blow to the head, are more common than ABIs.
Broken Sidewalk
Burn Injuries
Of all the burns that occur each year in the United States, nearly 500,000 require medical treatment.Simply put, a burn is damage to one or more layers of skin. When burn injuries are severe, pain can be accompanied by scars and disfigurement.
Burn Injuries at workplace
Burn Injury
Patients may be able to get full compensation for pain and suffering caused by burns.Burns are injuries that are caused when a person’s skin has been in contact with heat, steam, electricity, radiation, chemicals and even sunlight.Most burns are injuries to the person’s skin. However, very severe burns can affect bones and even internal organs. When you breathe in these agents, you are at a higher risk of developing respiratory illnesses that can shorten both your career and your life. You are covered under worker’s compensation laws and could file either a claim against the insurer or a case in court to pursue lost wages, medical expense reimbursement, and other compensation.If you feel you have a workers’ compensation case, it is important that you hire an attorney experienced in this legal specialty to represent you and assist you in the process. Many states limit the time for which you must seek medical care and file a claim against your employer.
Bus Accidents
Car Accident Cases
Car Accident Lawyer
Car Accident Lawyers
Car Accidents
Class Action Lawsuits
Construction Accidents
More than 6 million people work at nearly 300,000 construction sites on any given day throughout the United States.Even with numerous local, state, and federal safety regulations in place, construction accidents still occur fairly frequently. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that one in ten construction workers are injured every year.Injuries experienced can range from minor burns, cuts, scrapes, and bruises to concussions, electrocution, and broken bones and chronic spine-related pain. While not always preventable, construction accidents can be reduced with proper safety training and the implementation of standard work site safety practices. Blocking off areas where debris will be falling, quickly cleaning up spills, inspecting tools and equipment on a regular basis, making sure scaffolding is set up to carry four times its maximum intended load, and limiting the use of heavy machinery to experienced individuals.
Construction Injury
Construction Site Accidents
Crush Injuries
Cumulative Trauma
Dog Bite Attorney
Dog Bite Lawyer
Dog Bites
Driving Accidents
Elderly Abuse
If an elder in your family has been abused, you do not need to suffer in silence.Over two million cases of elder abuse were reported in 2017. This is a staggering figure that leaves 9.5% of the elderly population experiencing some type of abuse. Much of the abuse is perpetrated by caregivers and family members. These vulnerable adults are subject to: -Neglect and self-neglect -Physical abuse -Sexual abuse -Emotional abuse -Exploitation — Physical AbusePhysical abuse is any act of violence that causes injury, disease, pain, or impairment. This can include pushing, hitting, or force feeding a senior citizen as well as restraining him or her improperly. It also includes giving the senior citizen improper medications. Instances of physical abuse can lead to unexplained bruising, bone fractures, medication overdoses, or adverse reactions to medications not prescribed to the senior or that are not given in accurate doses.
Electrical Injuries
Electrocution Accidents
Electrocution is the sixth leading cause of work-related deaths in the United States. Electrical hazards account for more than 4,000 work-related injuries and 300 deaths in the United States each year, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).An electrical shock occurs any time current enters the body, which can happen at any point since skin is porous.The resulting injuries can range from minor to serious and potentially fatal. Treatment and Care. If an electrocution accident, regardless of the extent of the injuries, is the result of negligence on the part of an employer, a manufacturer, or another party, a workers’ compensation attorney may be able to seek compensation for damages, an inability to work, long-term disability and care, and related pain and suffering.
Employee Benefits
Employment Issues
Employment Law
Falling Injury
Firefighter Injuries
Surprisingly, firefighting is ranked as one of the safest jobs in the United States, but that doesn’t mean the job isn’t risky.It’s true that few firefighters aren’t killed on the job, but many are injured in the course of their duties. Sometimes these injuries aren’t immediately apparent, especially in the case of smoke inhalation and diseases that may not cause symptoms for years.Every year, the National Fire Protection Association estimates that 62,000 firefighter injuries happen on the job with about 70 fatalities. The following are the most common injuries suffered by firefighters and the long-term impact. Roof Collapse Roof collapse is one of the greatest fears of any firefighter, and it’s a risk that can be hard to mitigate. Firefighters attempting to rescue someone from a burning building may become trapped by a roof or ceiling collapse as the building loses structural integrity. Roof collapse has killed dozens of firefighters in recent years and injured many more.
Free Consultation
Free Consultations
Head Injury
Injuries Law
Injury Claims
Injury Treatment
Insurance Litigation
Job Injuries
Knee Injuries
Knee Injury
Law Firm
Legal Assistance
Legal Representation
Legal Services
Legal consulting
Long-Term Disability
Machine Malfunctions
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are nearly 3 million work-related injuries each year in the United States.Approximately 5,000 of these work-related injuries are fatal. Many work-related injuries, including ones that significantly affect quality of life, are due to machine malfunctions. Such injuries are sometimes the result of negligence on the part of: -The manufacturer -An employer -A co-worker —Types of Machine-Related Injuries: Machinery that doesn’t work as intended can result in injuries that range from minor cuts and bruises to disfigurements and damage to limbs. Many industrial machines have powerful motors and rapidly moving parts. If a worker’s hand or arm gets trapped, amputation may be necessary if it’s not possible to surgically repair the limb. Workers’ compensation is designed to protect employers from lawsuits, which sometimes limits legal options.
Mental Stress Injuries
Mental stress injuries may not be as visible as physical injuries, but they are just as serious.With physical injuries, the proof is often clear in the form of X-rays, doctors’ reports detailing symptoms, and visible signs of the injury. Injuries that may be related to mental stress, however, can be more difficult to confirm or prove.In some situations, workers’ compensation laws may not cover mental stress injuries. Other times, it can be difficult to link emotional stress to a job-related source. For this reason, an attorney may recommend exploring options outside of the workers’ compensation system, like filing a personal injury claim against a responsible employer or co-worker. If you believe you are suffering from mental stress at work, tell someone. This could be your immediate supervisor or someone in your company’s HR department. Also, make a formal report so there will be documentation of what you reported and what was or wasn’t done about it.
Motorcycle Accidents
Neck Injuries
Neck Injury
Non-Economic Damages
Occupational Injuries
On-The-Job Injuries
On-The-Job Injury
Pain Management
Permanent Disability Benefits
Personal Injury Attorney
YOU HAVE RIGHTS FOLLOWING A PERSONAL INJURY. The time after a personal injury can be stressful. Our attorneys can help you know what you deserve to be compensated for, including: -Lost income -Medical attention -Pain and suffering damages — Don’t face the insurance companies alone. Contact us and report your injuries right away.
Personal Injury Attorneys
Personal Injury Case
Personal Injury Cases
Personal Injury Claims
Personal Injury Compensation
Personal Injury Law
Personal Injury Lawsuit
Personal Injury Lawsuits
Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyers
Personal Injury Litigation
Physical Injuries
Police Officer Injuries
Law enforcement officers put their lives on the line each time they go out into the public to protect and serve.While many people assume the greatest risk faced by the police involves gun violence, it is often other types of accidents and injuries that pose the greatest risk to officers. These police on-the-job injuries can: -Bring long-lasting ramifications to an officer’s career -Be cause for legal action to pursue both compensation and justice in court. — Another on-the-job risk that law enforcement officers face each day involves being exposed to radiation from devices such as radar detectors. Officers who use these devices frequently are at a higher risk of developing, and needing treatment for, cancer. Under current federal laws, police officers who are assaulted on the job or exposed to radiation because of their radar detection devices could have just cause to file and pursue claims.
Premises Liability
Property owners are obligated under the law to keep their properties in a safe and reasonable condition.Property owners have a unique obligation under the law to ensure the safety of anyone who could venture onto their premises. Even if the people were not expressly invited, they could still suffer an injury for which the property owner would be held legally liable. You can protect your own interests by learning what premises liability is and how it is dealt with under the law today. Premises liability is the legal obligation a property owner has to keep visitors to the property safe at all times. Keeping people safe from harm on the property calls for the property owner to keep the premises in a reasonable, organized, and clean condition regardless of the time of year or circumstances surrounding the property itself.If a visitor gets hurt while on the property, the owner is legally responsible for the damages to the person’s body as well as resulting expenses.
Premises Liability Cases
Premises Liability Lawsuits
Punitive Damages
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Repetitive Strain
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Repetitive Stress Injury
Repetitive Work Strain Injuries
Be compensated for repetitive strain injuries that occur as a result of your occupation.Repetitive strain injury (RSI) describes a category of conditions with gradual onset and worsening symptoms affecting musculoskeletal and nervous systems after repetitive activities. RSIs are also called cumulative trauma disorders and repetitive motion injuries. RSI risk factors include repetitive motion, prolonged fixed or awkward positioning, forceful exertions, vibrations, and mechanical compression.Symptoms are present in body parts used most for the activity.RSIs are linked to serious conditions affecting the neck, back, shoulders, arms, and hands.The most common type of RSIs include:Carpal tunnel syndrome -Cubital tunnel syndrome -De Quervain’s syndrome -Ulnar tunnel syndrome -Trigger finger -Epicondylitis/Tendinitis/Tendinosis/Tennis elbow/Golfer’s elbow -Focal dystonia -Bursitis -Degenerative disc disease
Roof Collapse
Serious Burns
Severe Brain Injuries
Shoulder Injury
Slip And Fall Accidents
Spinal Cord Injuries
An injury to the spinal cord is a traumatic blow that damages or compresses the vertebrae.A spinal cord injury can cause the nerves inside the spinal cord to become damaged or even severed. These injuries can be caused by a car accident, a fall, a violent encounter, a sports or fitness injury, alcohol misuse, or even disease. However, automobile accidents account for over half of new spinal cord injuries each year. Because spinal cord injuries are so diverse, they are classified by: -Severity of the injury -Location of the injury — An injured party who is experiencing a lack of bladder or bowel control can be provided with adult diapers, a catheter, or ostomy to assist in bladder and bowel care. Circulatory issues can be combated with the assistance of a physical therapist who can perform range of motion exercises with the injured party to help with circulation, lower the risk for bed sores, and assist in the maintenance of muscle tone.
Spinal Cord Injury
Spine Injury
Toxic Exposure
When toxic exposure affects your quality of life, you may be entitled to compensation.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has numerous guidelines in place designed to protect workers that may be exposed to toxic substances in a wide range of industries and occupations. Even so, there are sometimes accidents and oversights that can result in exposure to toxic substances.Whether exposure happens as a result of a one-time incident or over a long period of time, which is more common, illnesses may develop that seriously impact quality of life. Diagnosis and Treatment -Diagnosis often involves blood tests, images tests, and a review of a patient’s medical history and possible sources of exposure. Treatment will depend on the specific condition that resulted from exposure. With cancer, this usually includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Toxic Substance Exposure
Transit Accidents
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injuries at work
Traumatic Brain Injury
Truck Accident Cases
Truck Accidents
Human error is the cause of nearly 90 percent of commercial truck accidents.Truck accidents may be the fault of the driver or other drivers, or negligence on the part of passengers, pedestrians, or even cyclists or motorcyclists sharing the same road. Because a truck can weigh 20 to 30 times more than a passenger car, truck accidents have the potential to do more harm when serious injuries occur than car-on-car collisions. It’s estimated that large trucks are involved with more than 100,000 accidents each year in the United States. About 5,000 of these are fatal. More than 20 percent of all truck accidents result in some type of injuries. While the first priority should be to get medical treatment, an equally important step is to contact a personal injury attorney. If negligence contributed a truck accident, an attorney may be able to secure appropriate compensation.
Work Automobile Injuries
Anywhere from 20 to 50 million Americans are injured or disabled each year in the United States due to automobile accidents. Injuries that may be sustained when a vehicle is used for work-related purposes are similar to what may occur with any type of auto accident. A surprising number of injuries are caused by the door closing on a vehicle. But it’s injuries involving negligence of another person that tend to be the most serious. For instance, a sudden stop because another car swerves into a car’s path may result in whiplash or a spine injury. If there was some type of negligence on an employer’s part that may have contributed to an accident involving a company vehicle, it’s sometimes possible to secure compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical expenses, and ongoing care that may include physical therapy and other medical procedures. Since there may be a fine line between whether or not an auto injury related to a vehicle being used for work-related purposes is covered.
Work Injuries
Work Vehicle Injuries
Work-Related Brain Injuries
More than 100 people die from serious brain injuries in the United States each day.Individuals who survive brain injuries may have effects that last for days, weeks, or years. Long-lasting effects may include an inability to concentrate and difficulties with memory, hearing, vision, or movement. This is why workers who sustain brain injuries are often unable to work or enjoy an optimal quality of life.If negligence on the part of an employer or other third party contributed to the injury, an attorney may be able to secure workers’ compensation benefits. Even minor brain injuries can have long-lasting effects. Additionally, such injuries often require long-term care, risky surgeries, intense therapy, and many years of rehabilitation. Such care can quickly become costly and eat away at available insurance benefits. A lawyer can assess the overall impact on quality of life and the ability to make a living to determine which steps to take when seeking appropriate compensation.
Work-Related Brain Injury
Work-Related Catastrophic Injuries
It’s not unusual for catastrophic injuries to have a far-reaching impact on all aspects of life.Some injuries involve nothing more than bruises, temporary soreness, and aches and pains that go away within a few days. Other injuries have lasting consequences and may seriously impact quality of life. This is what typically happens with catastrophic injuries, referring to injuries that usually occur suddenly and without any clear warning.Oftentimes, individuals that sustain an injury of this nature are unable to perform meaningful, employable work.Legally, any serious injury that occurs without warning may be classified as a catastrophic injury. The aftermath of catastrophic injuries often includes considerable financial strain for victims and their families. What an attorney can do is review the circumstances involved and make a recommendation on how best to proceed. If negligence is involved, a lawyer may be able to secure compensation.
Work-Related Injuries
Work-Related Injury
Worker Comp Insurance
Worker Death Claim
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 5,000 workers are killed on the job each year, on average. Depending on the circumstances involved, surviving family members may be entitled to compensation when a fatal accident occurs. The main purpose for filing a work death claim is to receive benefits to compensate for a loss of financial support from the deceased employee. Oftentimes, claims can be filed by: -Spouses -Children -Close relatives who lived with the individual or depended on their financial support. Death benefits are paid in regular installments. The amount of disbursements is based on a percentage of what a worker was earning before their death. In certain situations, a lawyer may be able to negotiate a single lump sum payment. As for how long payments last, spouses are often able to receive payments until their own death or remarriage. Dependent children often receive disbursements until they turn 18, or graduate from college or complete vocational training.
Worker Death Claims
Worker’s Compensation Benefits
Workers Comp Case
Workers Compensation
LET US HELP YOU CLAIM 100% OF WHAT YOU DESERVE. Employees suffering from a work-related illness or injury are eligible for compensation due to a state-mandated insurance program known as workers’ compensation. This includes seasonal workers, undocumented workers, agricultural workers, domestic workers, and more. Compensation benefits through workers’ compensation can be short-term or long-term and include: -Temporary disability benefits. -Covered medical costs -Permanent disability benefits -Death benefits
Workers’ Comp Laws
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Case
Workers’ Compensation Cases
Workers’ Comp Law
Workers’ Comp Lawyer
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Workers’ Compensation Claims
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Workers’ Compensation Law
Workers’ Compensation Laws
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
Workman Compensation
Workman’s Comp Attorney
Workman’s Compensation Case
Workman’s Comp Attorney
Workplace Accident
Workplace Incident
Workplace Injuries
Workplace injuries are common, and you may be entitled to compensation for your suffering.Business owners across the country are obligated to obey federal safety laws that protect their workers. Even so, you could become sick or injured on the job because of an accident or oversight by your employer.You can take appropriate action if you get hurt at work by contacting an experienced workplace injury attorney. Slip and Fall Accidents -Slip and fall accidents are the most commonly reported on-the-job incidences today. Statistics shows that these accidents account for 85 percent of all workers compensation claims and result in workers missing an average of 31 days of work per year.You could be at risk of a slip and fall accident if the floors at your work are wet or greasy. You also could trip and fall over obstacles like boxes or pallets left in the walkways.
Workplace Injury
Workplace Repetitive Strain Injuries
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death Claims
Oracle Law can help you to understand wrongful death claims and your right to file.Losing someone you love can leave you feeling hopeless, but that death becomes even worse when the individual died due to the fault of another person. Wrongful death cases can involve car accidents where one driver caused the deaths of multiple people, or cases that take place at work.If you can prove that another’s actions caused the death of your loved one, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.Working with an attorney is the best way to make sure that you understand everything you need to know about these cases and to make sure that you have the right to file. Trying to file a lawsuit on your own without any legal help will only add to the frustration and sadness that you already feel after losing a loved one. Working with a wrongful death attorney lets you turn over some of the hard work to someone you can trust, and someone who cares about the outcome of your case.
Wrongful Termination
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Danny Lo
Wanted to share my experience with Oracle law firm. From start to finish this firm has been superb. I was a little hesitant at first as i had never spoken to or dealt with an attorney before, however my doubts were handled the whole process.
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Francisco Vazquez
I would like to thank Luz Chavez and her team for being very professional and very knowledgeable to all my questions. Since the beginning of the legal process to the very end Luz always had an immediate answer and I really appreciate that! I would recommend this law firm to not only my friends and family but anyone out there who needs adequate and immediate attention to their case. Thank you Oracle Law Firm!!
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George H
I can’t thank Stephanie and Oracle Law Firm enough for all they did. Stephanie helped and guided me throughout the entire process. I received the best care and legal representation for my case. I highly recommend Oracle law Firm and Stephanie for their professionalism and for their genuine care towards their clients. Thank you
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Jesus Valenzuela
Getting injured and having to deal with workers comp and litigation process along with trying to recover has come with a lot of stress, impatience and anxiety and I knew it would be a long process and a hard road to recovery since the beginning.That’s why I’m glad I contacted Oracle Law Firm for this reason.I wouldn’t know what to do or where to begin but Oracle Law Firm made that easy for me.Since day one,everyone there has been amazing so far,especially Luz.She has been handling my case and I appreciate her very much. Luz along with everyone else from Oracle Law Firm have been amazing. They have been there so far for anything I’ve needed regarding my case, medical appts. or any questions or concerns I have or may have about me and my situation.Im happy to say I’m glad I have Oracle Law Firm on my side. Everything has been going so smoothly that I feel very comfortable and safe knowing my case and health are in good hands.Than You
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Andrew Settles
My experience with Mr. Espinoza Attorney of Law, was fantastic..
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Kirsten Schultz
I called Oracle Law Firm the other day and was greeted by Veronikah. She was able to answer all my questions regarding the business, despite my many inquiries. Would highly recommend this company to those looking for genuine help. Thank you for being so patient and kind over the phone!
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Tanya Tapia
The jury is still out… lol just a joke , But seriously all of the staff from the girls who answer the phone to the paralegals especially Karina so far have been great. They are kind and compassionate. As for the lawyers Mr. James Wong is the only one I have had contact with and he also is a great listener doesn’t talk over you and seemed like he really wanted to help. Sometimes that is what really counts when finding a lawyer who will take the time to know you and your situation and then fight for you.
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Frai Firoz
Jordan was just what the doctor ordered. My case has not been settled but he is keeping me informed step by step. I really that someone is representing me. It is people like Jordan that makes oracle a success. Thank you for everything.F. Mohtasheme
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Gilbert Eda
I would just like to say a Big Big Thank You to Mr. Jordane Espinoza and everyone else who was involved with working on my case. Oracle Law Firm provided excellent service and were professional from beginning to the end.So if you’re going to choose any Law Firm, choose Oracle Law Firm-Injury.
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awesome law firm a true blessing was not expecting what I got. Thanks so much Susie is the best! They went over and beyond for me. Thank you Oracle Law FIrm.
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