Musca Law

Musca Law 33760

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Address: 13575 58th St N Suite 125, Clearwater, FL 33760

Phone: (727) 513-5003



Criminal Justice Attorney
Criminal record expungements
Everyone, whether a minor or an adult, makes mistakes in life. Sometimes, those mistakes involve the commission of a crime and, with that, the establishment of a criminal record. That record can create many problems in a person’s professional and personal life, which is why former offenders pursue a petition to seal or expunge their criminal records. In order to achieve success in restoring your good name, you have to follow a very strict process and to get through that process successfully, you need the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. The experienced expungement attorneys in Florida at Musca Law are well-versed in the procedures and legal processes involved in obtaining an Order to Seal or Expunge your criminal record. We are committed to achieving positive results for our clients, whether they are an adult or a juvenile pursuing a fresh start in life. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
DUIs & reckless driving defense litigation
Drug possession defense litigation
Are you faced with drug crimes charges in Florida? You are probably experiencing anxiety, confusion, and worry over your future, and rightly so! Florida carries severe penalties for those convicted of drug crimes, whether it involves trafficking, selling, possession, or more. Crimes involving prescription drugs, meth, heroin, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs can significantly impact your future and can be prosecuted on both the state and federal level. With the right defense, your future can be aggressively protected. At Musca Law, our skilled Florida drug crimes lawyers are backed by over 150 years of collective experience. We are dedicated to each of our clients, treating them with the respect and individual attention necessary to obtain the best possible outcome on their behalf.
Federal criminal defense litigation
Although federal offenses have varying levels of severity, from misdemeanors to felonies, crimes are usually of a serious matter for the government to become involved. If you find yourself facing federal crimes charges, you may be up against the full force of the federal authorities. With this level of prosecution ahead of you, it is necessary to retain the experienced help and guidance of Florida federal crimes lawyers from Musca Law. With more than 150 years of collective experience, our team can provide you with the legal services you need in order to effectively fight for the best possible outcome on your behalf. By devoting tremendous amounts of time and resources to our clients’ cases, we are better prepared to defend their rights and exploit the weaknesses of our opponents’ cases.
Felony defense litigation
General criminal defense litigation
Petty crimes & misdemeanor defense litigation
If your child has been arrested for a crime in Florida, they face potentially serious consequences. Should your child be convicted of a juvenile offense in Florida, it may mar their reputation and create problems in their adult life. The juvenile justice system is different from the regular criminal justice system, but that does not necessarily mean that it is always more lenient. The protection of a child’s future is a parent’s top priority and, at Musca Law, it is also our priority.
Sex offense defense litigation
Aggravated Assault
Aggressive Criminal Defense
Child Custody Issues
Concealed Weapons
A Florida criminal defense attorney at Musca Law can help you if you are facing criminal charges involving carrying a concealed firearm. This is a very serious offense that may be charged with a third-degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years in state prison and a fine of up to $5,000. There are certain circumstances, however, where an individual may carry a concealed firearm. A person who is licensed to carry a concealed firearm may carry one on his or her person. This offense also does not apply to particular devices meant for self-defense, such as pepper spray or a stun gun.
Crimes Fraud
Crimes Traffic Offenses
Criminal Accusations
Criminal Charges
Criminal Convictions
Criminal Defense Attorneys In
Criminal Defense Cases
Criminal Defense Lawyers In
Criminal Investigations
Criminal Law
Criminal Offense
Criminal Trial
Being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs in Florida can be a confusing, intimidating, and demanding experience. From having an officer pull you over to the handcuffs wrapping around your wrists, you’ve found yourself in a nightmare that you can’t seem to wake up from. Fortunately, there is legal help available to ensure that your rights are effectively and aggressively defended so you can stay out of jail, keep your license, and avoid paying steep fines. If the charges against you aren’t dropped, it is possible that your charges may be reduced to help lower the possible drunk driving penalties you face.
Disorderly Conduct
Arrested for disorderly conduct? You may be confused as to why you are even facing these charges. By consulting a criminal defense attorney at Musca Law, you can find out exactly what the circumstances are surrounding your charges and what you’re up against. A Florida disorderly conduct lawyer can also set out immediately to start defending your rights and protecting your interests.
Drug Crimes
Are you faced with drug crimes charges in Florida? You are probably experiencing anxiety, confusion, and worry over your future, and rightly so! Florida carries severe penalties for those convicted of drug crimes, whether it involves trafficking, selling, possession, or more. Crimes involving prescription drugs, meth, heroin, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs can significantly impact your future and can be prosecuted on both the state and federal level. With the right defense, your future can be aggressively protected. At Musca Law, our skilled Florida drug crimes lawyers are backed by over 150 years of collective experience. We are dedicated to each of our clients, treating them with the respect and individual attention necessary to obtain the best possible outcome on their behalf.
Dui Arrests
Dui Attorneys
Dui Charges
Dui Defense
Dui Law
Dui Laws
Dui Offenses
Dwi Defense
Everyone, whether a minor or an adult, makes mistakes in life. Sometimes, those mistakes involve the commission of a crime and, with that, the establishment of a criminal record. That record can create many problems in a person’s professional and personal life, which is why former offenders pursue a petition to seal or expunge their criminal records. In order to achieve success in restoring your good name, you have to follow a very strict process and to get through that process successfully, you need the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. The experienced expungement attorneys in Florida at Musca Law are well-versed in the procedures and legal processes involved in obtaining an Order to Seal or Expunge your criminal record. We are committed to achieving positive results for our clients, whether they are an adult or a juvenile pursuing a fresh start in life. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Federal Crimes
Although federal offenses have varying levels of severity, from misdemeanors to felonies, crimes are usually of a serious matter for the government to become involved. If you find yourself facing federal crimes charges, you may be up against the full force of the federal authorities. With this level of prosecution ahead of you, it is necessary to retain the experienced help and guidance of Florida federal crimes lawyers from Musca Law. With more than 150 years of collective experience, our team can provide you with the legal services you need in order to effectively fight for the best possible outcome on your behalf. By devoting tremendous amounts of time and resources to our clients’ cases, we are better prepared to defend their rights and exploit the weaknesses of our opponents’ cases.
Felony Dui
Indigent Defense
Jury Trials
Juvenile Crimes
If your child has been arrested for a crime in Florida, they face potentially serious consequences. Should your child be convicted of a juvenile offense in Florida, it may mar their reputation and create problems in their adult life. The juvenile justice system is different from the regular criminal justice system, but that does not necessarily mean that it is always more lenient. The protection of a child’s future is a parent’s top priority and, at Musca Law, it is also our priority.
Misdemeanor Criminal Charges
Obstructing Justice
Have you been accused of obstructing justice in conjunction with a trial, court procedure, police investigation or other legal matter? Contact Musca Law today to discuss your matter with an experienced defense attorney. The Florida criminal defense attorneys at our firm have over 150 years of combined legal experience, and we offer a free case evaluation to discuss your particular case and what we can do to help you. Our legal team works together to utilize our individual strengths and therefore provide even more effective legal representation throughout the entire state.
Possession of Stolen Property
Dealing in stolen property is a criminal offense that is outlined in several sections of Florida Statutes. While there are different levels at which this crime may be committed and different penalties a defendant may face, the general definition of dealing in stolen property is: offering, selling or trafficking property that the offender knew or should have had reason to know was stolen.
Probation Violation
There are a variety of directions a criminal arrest can go in Florida, making the criminal justice system very complex and confusing. Once you are thrown into the criminal justice system, there are further directions an arrest, conviction, and even release may go. One of these directions is probation. Adjudication may be withheld and probation assigned, a suspect may be convicted with probation as part of the punishment, and/or probation may be in the terms of a convicted individual’s release. In any case, the offender must abide by the terms of their probation or else suffer the consequences which, in some cases, including going back to jail or prison.
The State of Florida regards prostitution as a very severe crime and will aggressively prosecute all individuals or groups of individuals who beseech a prostitute or who act as pimps for a prostitute. They will seek the steepest penalties available for the crime. If you gain any monetary support from prostitution, rent space for others to participate in prostitution, solicit a prostitute, or force another person into prostitution, you may be facing some very serious penalties that include prison time.
Resisting Arrest Without Violence
Resisting without violence is a criminal offense related to obstructing justice. In Florida, this is most often a misdemeanor charge and involves resisting, obstructing or opposing any type of peace officer who is attempting to carry out his or her legal duty. The person resisting would not have attempted or succeeded in doing any bodily harm to the peace officer. For this reason, it can be difficult for a person accused of resisting violence to determine exactly what they did to resist arrest or otherwise interfere with law enforcement. If you have been charged with resisting without violence, it is important that you consult a criminal defense attorney as soon as you can. You will likely face this criminal charge along with whatever offense you were arrested or questioned for.
Sex Crime Defense Attorney
Sex Crimes
Sex crime allegations can be devastating, not to mention humiliating. If convicted, you face prison time, exorbitant fees, and lifetime sexual offender or sexual predator registration. Musca Law’s experienced Florida sex crimes lawyers know how threatening these severe consequences and hostile prosecutors can be. We will work diligently to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you receive the best possible defense.
Sex Crimes Cases
Sex Crimes Charges
Have you been accused of stalking someone? It may be easy for a simple misunderstanding or lesser situation to be blown out of proportion. At Musca Law, our Florida stalking lawyers are experienced in representing clients who have been accused of stalking or aggravated stalking. We can review your particular case during a free case evaluation in order to determine exactly how a defense lawyer at our firm can help you. We represent clients throughout the entire state in both state and federal court, and no case is too small or too big for our legal team to handle.
Theft Crimes
Florida §812.014 defines theft as an act where a person knowingly obtains or uses the property of another to deny the other person access to their belongings or to wrongfully use the property to their own advantage. The severity of the charge can vary depending on the property stolen. If you were charged with a theft crime, it is important to seek qualified legal counsel who will aggressively defend your rights.
Traffic Offenses
Too often, individuals treat traffic offenses as a minor violation. They choose to simply pay the fine to avoid further hassles. However, a traffic offense can lead to marks on your driving record, traffic school, an increase in your insurance, and more. If left unaddressed, a traffic violation can end up costing you thousands, the loss of your driver’s license, and can lead to imprisonment. Furthermore, the conviction shows up on your permanent record and can affect your future employment options, school admissions, and more. Protect yourself with the help of our Florida traffic offense attorneys.
Under Florida law, it is a criminal offense to enter or remain on another’s property when you do not have permission to do so. This is referred to as trespass or trespassing. A common scenario would be if an unruly patron re-enters an establishment such as a nightclub, restaurant, or bar when they were specifically asked to leave the premises. Such an event is usually classified as a misdemeanor but can escalate into a felony in certain circumstances. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony depending on the situation. If charged with a trespassing misdemeanor, which is classified as a second-degree misdemeanor, you can face up to 60 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. However, if you are accused of having a weapon in your possession during the transgression, you may face third-degree felony charges. A third-degree felony is punishable by up to 5 years in state prison and/or a fine of up to $5,000.
Violent Crimes
A violent crime is defined as an intentional, aggressive act against person or property that threatens, inflicts, or attempts to inflict physical harm. According to Florida criminal law, a violent crime can be ruled as a felony and if convicted, the offending party could face years in state prison. In addition to imprisonment, you face loss of rights and possession of a permanent criminal record. These types of crimes are typically prosecuted to the full extent of the law because of their serious nature.
Weapon Crimes
Florida has numerous weapon offenses, which can be classified as misdemeanors or felonies. If convicted, an individual accused such charges can face lengthy jail time and hefty fines. However, a solid defense can help you avoid such charges and can help protect your freedom. The experienced Florida criminal defense lawyers at Musca Law are dedicated to upholding the rights of individuals who are facing any of a number of weapons charges.
White Collar Crimes
When you’re arrested for a white collar crime in Florida, your freedom isn’t the only thing at stake. Both your professional and personal lives are in danger of going up in smoke, burning bridges that may be difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild. Because white collar crimes involve large businesses or government corporations, they have the potential to negatively impact a lot of different variables. Florida courts take white collar crimes very seriously. As such, if you were charged with such a crime, it is important to seek qualified legal representation to protect your rights.
Traffic ticket litigation
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